Thursday 9 June 2016

Interfaith Issues - Finality of Prophethood, Atheism, Agnosticism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism

Interfaith Issues

Finality of Prophethood

Those who deny that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last Messenger & last Prophet and believe that a new prophet or messenger can come after him are out of Islam & so their discussions are in interfaith issues .
Irshad website .
The Seal of Prophethood by Syed Anwer Ali . , .
Finality of Prophethood books .

Atheism & Agnosticism

Atheists blindly believe unproven and unverified theories presented as science and blindly reject religion. They fool themselves & others by bluffing that science has all the answers, that science can judge all. While in reality, science does not have answers to many things and cannot judge many things.  

You must realize the Science Bluff. Science must be split into:
1. Verified & proven science, tested by senses, verification, experimentation etc.
2. Unverified assumptions, guesses, theories, mathematical equations etc. 
Most of the science today is the 2nd type, yet people believe it as if it is 1st type. These fake and unverified assumptions, guesses, theories, mathematical equations which are presented in the name of science. This is the secret religion of the Atheists.

How can you believe something with so much certainty when it:
1. Neither claims to be based on any Revelation From The Creator.
2. Nor has it verified its guesses, assumptions, theories, mathematical equations etc. using any practical experiments & tests.

Yet, it has:
1. The audacity to give mass of the Sun to the minutest details using pen, paper, scientists' guesses, mathematical equations with assumed constants etc.
See a simple page from NASA's Official site : here. To bluff about the mass of the Sun, they 1st have to bluff about : "However, we need to know how far the Earth is from the Sun and how fast it is moving around the Sun."
Based on the same page, linked above, behold! the derivation!
Mass of Sun calculation bluff

2. The audacity to identify earth's exact location in the assumed galaxy and even give a fairy tale picture of the assumed galaxy using an arrow pointing to the assumed location of earth confidently asserting "You are here".
Science Bluff about the exact location of Earth

3. The audacity to draw the entire details of the inner earth despite failing to dig beyond 12262 meters i.e. about 12 km.
Dug 12.262 kilometers, but conveniently bluffed about the remaining 6365.738 kilometers out of the 6378 kilometers, which itself is a wildly bluffed estimate of the so called radius of the so called spherical earth, but earth is no orange that you can cut in half and then measure exactly, or can you? This is no joke. Why not so serious? What say you? This gullibility may cost some their eternal life! Don't be one of them.
Dug 12.26 km, but drew 6378 km

4. The audacity to claim Nixon talked to Astronauts on the Moon via his landline phone in 1969.
President Nixon speaking with astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon

5. The audacity to claim that a picture of Earth was taken from a distance of 6 billion kilometers from the Sun (See the small dot in the rightmost line of light in the below picture) and even successfully sent to Earth? and shamelessness to not even think that this fake image exposes them further since according to this image, even at night the Sun's light should be seen as the sunlight is equally bright on all sides surrounding the alleged Earth in this alleged photo.
Allegedly, according to NASA: "The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of Earth taken Feb. 14, 1990, by NASA’s Voyager 1 at a distance of 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) from the Sun."
Some science bluff apologists deny that Earth is in a sunbeam according to this picture. In his 1994 book, Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan, an American astronomer, planetary scientist, and science communicator, comments on what he sees as the greater significance of the photograph, writing: "... lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam ..." (See 5th paragraph on this page from the book)
Pale Blue Dot [no music], apparently with the original audio of Carl Sagan

Download original higher resolution 1990 images from official NASA site:
NASA: Original – Highest-Resolution (1990): 4.32 MB
NASA: Original (1990) :414 KB

Alleged picture of Earth from 6 billion kilometers

Also see the below illustrations for further clarity on this point:
Pale blue dot

Pale blue dot

6. The audacity to claim (by NASA) that the Sun is closest to the Earth on January 4th at a distance of 91400000 miles or 147094041.6 km and farthest from the Earth on July 5th at a distance of 94500000 miles or 152083008 km i.e. a difference of distance between the Sun and Earth of 4988966.4 km between January 4th and July 5th of each year. The alleged radius of Earth is 6371 km and any kind of change, in the distance on any point of an alleged ball of this radius with a tilted axis is even much less than that. According to the bluff by NASA, this difference in distance of 4988966.4 km has nothing to do with the change of seasons on Earth and instead Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. Following are some selections from this claim (by NASA) : "Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted. Earth rotates on its axis as it orbits the Sun, but the axis always points in the same direction. ... Many people believe that Earth is closer to the Sun in the summer and that is why it is hotter. And, likewise, they think Earth is farthest from the Sun in the winter. Although this idea makes sense, it is incorrect. ... And, believe it or not, aphelion (when Earth is farthest from the Sun) occurs in July, and perihelion (when we are closest) occurs in January. For those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere where it's summer in July and winter in January, that seems backwards, doesn't it? ..."
Below 2 images have taken from the NASA link referenced in this point and show the details of the science bluff by NASA.
Image from NASA site
Image from NASA site

This theoretical science bluff has no authority to challenge any religion. Tame this spoiled science back to its real worth.
Its real worth is to "Put up or shut up" i.e.
1. Either verify each and every one of its assumptions, theories, equations and guesses via practical experiments, tests, real observations etc.
2. Or accept its limitation that it can't talk about many issues since it can't encompass or verify these using sense observations and practical experiments and tests.
3. Theoretical Science is not the judge, but a thing to be judged by using practical observation, experiments and tests.

As far as NASA is concerned, CGI and science fiction is used by NASA. They can't even present a picture of earth from space and their so called CGI pictures contradict themselves. The moon landings were also a hoax, as is proven by many videos circulating online. So why don't Atheists reject all this unproven science instead of rejecting The Creator?

Below is from Protocol # 2 of Protocols of Zion, clearly proving deliberate bad intent by powerful personalities to fool masses and take them away from religion:
"The GOYIM are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results. We need not, therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the GOYIM will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our AGENTUR specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want."

An evidence of deliberate bad intent : usage of assumption of a flat non-rotating earth in NASA, army and some other documents and calculations while masses are urged by the same to believe otherwise. ,
The Divine Reality: God, Islam & The Mirage Of Atheism .
Unlocking the Mystery of Life ,
Blasting The Foundations of Atheism Volume 1 – 2nd edition . (Only use his material against Atheism & agnosticism & on proving Islam scientifically, but avoid his material on internal Islamic issues. Harun Yahya has become a shameless pervert in recent years and more like a cult leader . ) 

Challenges to the secret religion of Atheists - The religion of blind belief in Dogmatic and Unproven Scientific Theories
Zetetic Astronomy instead of Dogmatic Astronomy:
Zetetic Astronomy - Earth Not a Globe - An Experimental Inquiry into the True Figure of the Earth.
3rd revised and expanded edition : Format 1 , Format 2 , 2nd edition

(Note that various videos are posted in this post. Posting a video does not mean that I promote the maker or author. I only promote the directly linked content from my blog, and that too is shared since the good outweighs the harm (i.e. no shared video or book (specially the ones from Non-Muslims) is 100% endorsed or 100% correct), and since I cannot myself allocate time to make similar or better videos and books, I promote such 3rd party content. I do not necessarily agree with all the content presented in such videos and books).

Flat Earth Facts Playlist
The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe
How Earth's a Plane - Dave Murphy (English Interview with Arabic Sub-titles)
Exposing the weakness of today's dogmatic science based on unverified theories and mathematical equations, instead of experimentation, evidences and logic. 
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball (Short book, slightly edited)
Muslim World 60 video playlist on flat earth (Arabic / English) .

Flat Earth Universe (Short documentary) .
True Facts vs Modern Theories
Level (2021)
Epic Deception (Short documentary) .
Flat Earth Proofs YouTube Playlist .
NASA Fails and Fraud Compilation .
Flat Earth Longest Distances Proofs .
(One of) The Greatest Lie(s) of all Time .
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." - Nikola Tesla

Blind Belief of Atheists in Unverified theories: Atheists blindly believe in fake scientific theories without the slightest investigation or proof and they forget and totally ignore all the demands that they put as a necessary condition for believing any religion when it comes to these fake scientific assumptions.

Use of Satan style arguments by Atheists to deny The Existence of The Creator:
Atheist mentality: Since The Creator didn't do something the way this Atheist wants The Creator to have done, so believing in no Creator is better for the Atheist than believing This Creator who didn't do what the Atheist believes should have been done instead. So, this Atheist proudly asserts that there is no Creator. So, the Atheist will only believe in The Creator, if The Creator does what this Atheist wants. When you start proving the Existence of The Creator, Atheist starts jumping to, why is this allowed in your religion and why is this not allowed in your religion etc. Atheist will bring excuses for not believing because he can always say if there is a Creator, then why didn't He do this that way. So, the Atheist differs just for the sake of differing and uses that alternate opinion in an issue or some issues to reject The Creator!
Satan's mentality: Since The Creator didn't do what satan wanted the Creator to have done, so he not only openly disobeys The Creator, but also tries to misguide others using the power to try so begged from The Same Creator, since Satan can't even create 1 atom of his own on his own just like these Atheists.

So: Atheists can't use the Satan card in any discussion i.e. they can only discuss the Existence of The Creator and they must also give proofs for their scientific theories. They are responsible to provide concrete evidences for their unverified and unproven, dogmatic scientific assumptions. In addition to that, Atheists can't ask why did The Creator order this or that, until they believe in The Creator. They can't believe in Atheism and Satanism at the same time. In Satanism, the person knows The Existence of The Creator, yet doesn't like The Reality or some Command of The Creator and thus disobeys The Creator and is willing to go to Hell like Satan as a result. Those who use something they can't understand or like as a reason to reject The Creator are in fact more like Satanists instead of Atheists.


The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion :
Scanned ,  Typed , audio book , audio based on the book .

Confessions of an Economic Hitman 2004.
The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman 2015 .
A Game As Old As Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption .
Confessions of an Economic Hitman Audiobook .

Christianity & Judaism

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat : Videos & BooksMore Books .

Muhammad Rahmatullah Kairanvi :
Izhar ul Haqq (Arabic) : Book , Preface .
Izhar ul Haqq (English) : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 . Alternate typed version .

Dr Mauris : The Bible, The Qur’an & Science ,
Kais al-Kalby : Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Last Messenger in the Bible , mirror.
Bilal Philips : Dawah Training , True message of ‘Eesa (pbuh) .
Sheikh Yusuf Estes: Site .
Dr Sahib Mustaqim: Books .

Answering Christianity .

Hinduism a Mythology, not a religion

The End of Hinduism Draft 0.3 .
Some of the many severe scientific errors in Hindu Scriptures .
Myth of One Hindu Religion Exploded !
Oh you Hindu… AWAKE !
Genocide of women in Hinduism !
The Hindutva Offensive !
Myth of United India !
Hindu Facists’ violence against Christians, Muslims, Sikhs & Minorities in India !

A Brief discussion on Interfaith issues : Atheism/Agnosticism, Christianity & Hinduism .

Suggestion for Interfaith Discussions

In any discussion or debate, if the person asks 1 question about Islam, you answer that question but must also ask a tough question regarding that person's religion, including Atheists and Agnostics. See their sections above for ideas on what to ask them.